
The Three Kinds of People

Have you noticed that when you go for something true for you, there are usually three kinds of people in your life:

• those who genuinely support and cheer you on
• those who aren’t bothered either way
• those who try to talk you out of it as if their lives depend on you not doing what you set out to do

To date, I have encountered all three of those kinds.

The first kind – isn’t it great to have that? They are the kind of people that have got our backs. The ones we can count on.

The second kind – they are precisely that – not bothered.

The third kind – oh, the third kind – jeez – I have experienced some serious pushback from this kind of people. And it would typically come from those closest to me. Very rarely these days, to be honest, but it was something I encountered quite a bit in the past.

I remember when, years ago, I wanted to do some expensive courses (which I could barely afford). But deep down in my heart, I knew it was something I had to do no matter what…So, I went for it anyway, regardless of the lack of support or validation… or whatever else back then I was unconsciously seeking, as having people so strongly react to something I wanted to do was beyond my understanding.

I was called all sorts of things: careless, irresponsible, weird and stupid. I was told I didn’t need it and was setting myself up for a disaster. Oh, and why would I waste my time and money and sacrifice other things for it (e.g., going on holiday etc.)? I could go on and on. But I’m sure you get the point.

I must say… I’m glad I stuck to my intuition back then. Even when it meant ruined friendships or losing those close to me. And you know what? I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. The only thing is that I would do it with more conviction and less guilt and waive the middle finger at some people instead of trying to justify myself.

See, the thing is, there’s this sort of an unconscious societal agreement… e.g., no one is allowed to leave the shire. So, we all must be the same, struggle, and be stuck in what we know… and if you try to ‘break out’, there will always be some well-wishing helpers or just those who ‘know better’ and want you to stay exactly where you are.

Because… ‘that’s how it is’. And… often, the well-wishers’ intentions seem to come from the right place. Some believe they’re actually helping. Now, are they bad people for trying to stop you from following your heart? Absolutely not. They’re just unconscious, and their beliefs get projected onto you.

Fast forward – the same courses I so badly wanted to complete (and did) back then – that’s what changed the course of my life unrecognisably… such as (to name a few) enabling me to:

• recognise my own wisdom and power and use it to create what I want in life

• work for a company which I love to bits (yes, that’s Natural Success for those who know me well)

• have my own coaching business (which I had thought would always remain just a dream) and get to help people follow their dreams

• travel the world

• be surrounded by people who bring love and magic to my life

• walk away from people and situations which do not serve my highest good

• and many others

Most importantly – I feel alive. Like truly alive. And making money doing what I love feels incredible. But more than that, knowing that I have the creative power within me to direct my life exactly how I love it to be – nothing can ever beat that.

I used courses as my example, but it could be anything that those ‘helpers’ may want to stop you from doing.

If you think about it… whether you listen to the third kind (it almost sounds like I’m talking about aliens here) or talk yourself out of something… how will you know what magic you miss out on if you don’t go for what your heart guides you to do?

I can’t imagine where I would be (probably dead – and I’m not saying this lightly) if I ignored that whisper of my heart.

My advice – follow your heart. It’s your life, and you get to decide how you want it to be.