Transform your life by using intuitive intelligence and applying the power of your   Superconscious Mind     Transform your life by using intuitive intelligence and applying the power of your Superconscious Mind Transform your life by using intuitive intelligence and applying the power of your Superconscious Mind

Transform your life by using intuitive intelligence and applying the power of your


Superconscious Mind



Transform your life by using intuitive intelligence and applying the power of your Superconscious Mind
Magic exists – just not in the way you think. And you can use it to bring your wildest dreams to life.
Transform your life by using intuitive intelligence and applying the power of your Superconscious Mind
Magic exists – just not in the way you think. And you can use it to bring your wildest dreams to life.


Why live an average life when you know deep inside that you are designed for so much more?

By default, most people do not have a strong direction in life because they have handed the control of their lives over to others even though they may not think so on the surface.

I help people take charge of their destiny by putting them in touch with their intuitive wisdom, power and capabilities.

Work with me

There is tremendous power in living with one’s true nature. I truly believe that when we choose our truth above anything else, we open up a world of possibilities and opportunities that otherwise would be out of reach. 

As powerful creators, we create absolutely everything whether we like it or not. All unwanted experiences are the product of our unconsciously driven dynamics. 

By identifying and addressing these underlying causes and harnessing the power of our true ability, we can transform our lives and bring our dreams to fruition. 

As a Creative Development coach, my passion is helping clients navigate this journey of transformation. And there is nothing more rewarding than witnessing people achieve their goals and express their highest potential in the world.

Why walk when you can fly?

About me

It’s not that I didn’t dream of a different life – my imagination has always been rather wild.

But that’s where it ended – a dream being a dream… ‘It’s impossible,’ I kept saying to myself, whilst getting more and more depressed, because as much as I wanted not to – more than anything I believed in its impossibility.

I had been working for years in the corporate world which felt as if my spirit was slowly being sucked away. It’s not that I didn’t enjoy some of the work I was doing – simply put – my heart wasn’t in it, and I couldn’t pretend anymore that it was.

I wanted more. More fulfilment. More joy and excitement. More income and success. More freedom and decision making. More expression of my talents and abilities. I wanted magic, yet I was settling for far less ...

I wasn’t much happier in my personal life either. Unhappy relationships that I sort of ‘fell into’ instead of really choosing to be with someone, and a 10-year eating disorder that was seriously derailing my life reinforced the feeling that I wasn’t in the driving seat of my life.

Yet, I have always had a sense that there is a higher side to me and that I had a destiny to fulfil.

After years of search, countless self-development seminars, obsessively learning about the human mind, universal laws, and manifestation, as well as many failed attempts later, I have finally found something that not only deeply resonates with me but also works.

I learnt a creative development model based on tapping into the superconscious mind and applying intuitive intelligence which leads to recognising and developing your own wisdom and power which exists in everybody. And that has made all the difference.

Life is now nothing short of magical and what years ago seemed impossible, today is my reality.

The key is thus not to wait for your life to change; don’t let your dream die inside you. There’s nothing more heart-breaking than settling for mediocrity when you can live an extraordinary life. Choose wisely. Choose magic.


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