Venturing Beyond

Answering your heart’s call often rewards you beyond your wildest imagination. 

How often do you have a brilliant idea or a fleeting impulse to follow through on something only to forget it or talk ourself out of it? I am certainly guilty of that. 

Fear has a voice, but so does your soul, and it whispers to you through your intuition. 

When faced with a choice, the only standard of measurement should be whether it’s true for you. The rest usually works itself out in the best possible way for you and others involved anyway. 

The problem is, many people focus on what they stand to lose rather than what they stand to gain. The difference? What you have to lose feels comfortable, safe, and familiar, and is easy (or is it?) to cling onto. 

What you stand to gain lies in uncharted territory, requiring your will to act on what you receive intuitively. But as I’m sure you already know… that’s where the magic lies. 

If you think about the greatest inventions and discoveries in the world, the best books ever written or movies created, the most magical relationships… none of them were born from clinging to safety.

And if you don’t go for it, you’ll never know what you could have had or experienced. Moreover, there’s even a worse consequence: the more you ignore your intuition, the weaker that voice gets.

But the beauty is, you always have a choice. Whatever it may be, remember that every choice you make shapes your story. So, why not make it one worth telling?