
The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction and focusing on the positive is something that many people talk about nowadays. And it can be great, but what most people don’t realise is that they also need to deal with what’s in their unconscious mind. In other words, it’s what they’re telling themselves just beneath the level of conscious awareness (and it’s often the opposite of what they think they are focused on).

Belief creates reality, and until it’s brought into conscious awareness, it will shape a lot in one’s life – often in such subtle ways that it will be hard to spot it at first. It’s important to know that the more you focus on what you want, the more your unconscious beliefs get triggered, so two very different forces are at play.

Very often, what may appear as bad luck or unfortunate circumstance is nothing more than us creating our reality without being aware how we do it.

 If you really want to experience life to its fullest depths, please do yourself a favour and get to know yourself. And no, it won’t always be pleasant, but nothing will make you more awake and empowered. Because only when you know what you believe about yourself, others, and the world, only then you can do something about it.

Many of us are afraid to admit to ourselves or others when things aren’t great in life because we believe that we need to maintain the mask of perfection and that we’ll fail somehow if we show our true selves. But is it true? Or is it what we’re telling ourselves? 

Don’t wait for a better tomorrow to come. You’re a powerful – and it really is possible to experience what you’ve only dreamed of for so long. Regardless of whether you’ve created great achievements or a lot of pain and failure, the key point is that you’re always the one who creates your reality. And choosing what we create, as any other skill, can be learnt and used to a great extent. 🌟🌎🌗💖