Human potential is infinite. And when it comes to creating what we love, it’s never too late. Your soul doesn’t care how old or rich or poor you are or what’s on your CV work experience wise or whether you have a degree or are a school dropout.
I used to be one of those people who wanted more…. But I also believed that wanting more somehow made me ungrateful for what I already had; I felt as though I was in the wrong for having those wild dreams, dreams that didn’t align with the societal norms of my upbringing or with my then-current life situation… It also seemed completely misaligned with what I believed was possible for me.
I can’t quite put it into words, but there has always been this unsettling desire within me to live and breathe the dreams I’ve long held in my heart, even when they seemed galaxies away from my reality.… And believe me when I say I tried so hard to talk myself out of it, yet a part of me (call it the heart, soul, higher self or whatever you want to call it) refused to let go.
It was like, ‘No, girl… you’re not switching that part of yourself off…’ even at those times when it felt like I was going nowhere. At times I find myself wondering: Is there a part of us that already knows what we are meant to become – before we do?
So I kept going. Kept chasing the dreams that set my soul on fire, even when I stumbled (and trust me, there were some gigantic stumbles). Yet I kept following the crumbs provided by my intuition and going after what drew in my soul and set my heart on fire.
I’ve walked head-on into some unwelcome experiences throughout my journey—no doubt about it…Through my own naivety and ignorance. But all those experiences made me dig deeper leading to self-discovery and immense growth. Each stumble redirected me on my path, a path I consciously chose over and over again. After all, we say that mastery is not about never losing focus, but it’s about the ability to refocus.
Now, as I reflect, many of my dreams have manifested into reality, and a lot more are heading in that direction.
Every dream, every doubt, every loss, every failure, every sleepless night, and every tear – it’s all been worth it.
And you know what? I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. Because there’s no price tag you can put on living and expressing your heart in the world.
We all have a heart. And if the heart is leading you somewhere, if your heart is calling you for more, it’s because it’s true for you to be that or have it! Believe me when I say that intuition is your best friend. It will not lead you astray. And it always gives you nudges.… especially when you’re not being honest with yourself.
And if we disregard those intuitive nudges for too long, they evolve into bitch-slaps. And they’re not always gentle, but I won’t delve into the countless examples of the kind of wake-up calls that shook me up.
On my journey, I discovered that change didn’t happen overnight. It took dedication, a fair share of mistakes, resilience, and a commitment to my own heart. Fortunately, I have studied some advanced alchemical principles teaching how to create and have also had the privilege of a brilliant coach accompanying me on this journey whom I credit for much of my transformation.
So, here’s the truth: It’s never too late to start. And choosing something new always starts with a decision in your consciousness, even when you don’t know what you’re choosing yet. Because what’s the alternative? Settling for the familiar and listening to an endless stream of excuses which appear so real and convincing?
If there’s a flame in your heart, if there are whispers calling you, no matter how wild or illogical they may seem, embrace them. On the other side, there’s magic.