Higher Over the Lower

Demons are real. And no, I don’t mean ghosts or evil spirits lurking in a closet ready to attack, but those demons within us that tell us how we can’t achieve something, so we might as well just give up.

I’m pretty sure many of us are familiar with that quiet yet nagging voice saying to wait until tomorrow when we know that we’re perfectly capable of doing what needs to be done today. 

It’s the darker side within us that says that we should identify with the pain, with our own limitations and that our dreams, especially big dreams, are so far out of reach. It’s the part of us that says it’s ok to eat that extra cookie or stay in an unfulfilling relationship because it’s easy, known, comfortable and safe. But it’s also the part that keeps us separate and away from what we really want. 

Equally, though, there’s a voice within us that is way more powerful and inherent in our nature. It’s what connects us to our dreams and says that we can expect more from life. It’s the driving force within that keeps us going no matter what. 

It gives us faith in our own ability regardless of what we might have gone through. It’s what reminds us that the human spirit is unconquerable and that we were born to create and live a life of joy and fulfilment, and by doing so, to inspire and show others what’s truly possible. Stir someone’s spirit enough, and they’re already closer to recognising their own true nature. 

I often wonder why people find it so easy to judge and criticise themselves. Yet, self-love and recognition of the inner power is something that needs to be worked at. We always believe in something, so we might as well believe in what’s higher within us and choose to look at life from that point of view.