How to Get and Keep a Guy?

I keep seeing posts addressed to women and titled something like, ‘He won’t leave you if you do this, ‘How to get and keep a guy, ‘What men like in a woman’ etc. Really? How about being yourself and standing in your power in relation to men? 

There’s nothing more beautiful than a woman knowing who she is and being cool about it, even with her so-called flaws. I mean, come on, we all have an ego, and nobody is perfect. So while such articles can be interesting to read or even amusing sometimes, they often send a message of what women need to do in order to be approved, loved even, by men.

So here’s my message: don’t be afraid to be who you are. If someone leaves you because they don’t like all of you, let them. But don’t mould yourself into a doll, don’t make it all about ‘him’ just so you could keep a guy. There are plenty of brilliant men out there; the more you stand in your power and go for what’s important to you, the more likely you will meet someone where you can be perfectly yourself.

That is not to say that relationships do not require any effort. They do. But what determines the success of a relationship is where you are coming from: do you try to ‘please’ him and do what a good partner ‘should do’ because you’re afraid of losing him, or do you consciously choose to put the effort in to make your relationship as great as it can be? In other words, are you acting out of fear or love?