
When the Heart is Cut

It’s so easy to keep the heart closed and to believe that in doing so, we will protect it from any future pain and hurt. But, what really happens, that assumed protection is precisely what ends up hurting us even more. So, what is life without love?

When the heart is closed, we live in fear and are focused on avoiding pain, and as many of us know, focus creates reality. We rush, run, and distract ourselves with busy lifestyles to avoid emotions. So it becomes harder and harder to acknowledge and accept how we really feel.

When the heart is closed, love can’t flow through, and when we deny love to others, we also deny it to ourselves. We can’t truly flourish without self-love, and life often loses real meaning.

Yet, there’s only so long you can run away from yourself. The ice must crack one day. Face what has happened to you, allow yourself to feel, however painful it may be, and choose to keep the heart open. Pain doesn’t last forever; love does. And most importantly, you get to choose what emotions you give the power to.

I came across this beautiful poem, by Michael Leunig, in one of my favourite restaurants one night. Considering that it was on the dessert menu, I can say that life is sweet.

When the heart

Is cut or cracked or broken,

Do not clutch it;

Let the wound lie open.

Let the wind

From the good old sea blow in

To bathe the wound with salt,

And let it sting.

Let a stray dog lick it,

Let a bird lean in the hole and sing

A simple song like a tiny bell,

And let it ring.